NewEconomyCardDeck Wiki

[This template is available to help with drafting new cards — just open a new wiki page in another tab (make sure to name it what you want the card title to be), then copy this content from edit mode and paste into that new blank page. Edit from there].

New Card (heading)[]

Draft description


[to fit well on a card, text must be no more than 65 words. Please do not make any edits to existing cards that make this section longer than that.]

Instead of:

Whatever the design solution is not

[to fit well on a card, text must be no more than 30 words. Please do not make any edits to existing cards that make this section longer than that.]

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Related Cards[]


(cards that work well together)

  • [link to related card]

Idea Family[]

(cards with shared core concept — such as specific application of general principles)

  • [link to related card]

Deeper Dive[]

Detailed Description[]

[placeholder for deeper text on the topic—since __ words isn't very many!]

Data and Statistics[]

[if there is data that backs up this card please list it here—with references!]

Resources and References[]

[who's working on this? What good information is out there?]

Examples and Experiments[]

[Are there real world examples of this in action? Are YOU or others testing this idea or working on implementing some aspect of this on the ground?]

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